Folders Checker is a great program that will help you organize and control the large number of files that tend to "grow" inside any folder.
After loading several CDs (such as those that are included with magazines) I found my Preferences folder increasingly full of preferences created from the programs that I tried. So, I felt the need for a program that would keep track of my growing Preferences folder as well as all of my other folders.
The instructions below are brief and condensed. I think that the best way to learn a program is to use it, not to read the instructions. I have followed the standard Mac Interface and if you use Mac Applications you'll be able to use this program without reading the instructions.
2. Menu & Buttons
Menu Actions:
Check Base: checks the differences from the "Chosen Base" folder with the current folder contents.
Update Base: updates the "Chosen Base" folder's contents with the current folder contents.
Move to Trash: moves to the Trash the selected files in the "New Items" scrolling field.
Get Info: opens the selected folder/document/application Info window from the Finder using Apple Events.
Open Base: Folder opens in the Finder the folder shown in the "Base Chosen" scrolling field.
Most of the buttons are self explanatory and have the same function that you find in the menus.
The Popup button in the main window (Load Base...) lets you add/select/remove the folders you want to keep under your control.
3. Working with Folders Checker
The first thing you must do to use Folders Checker is to add one or more folders (using the menu or the Popup button in the main window). After doing this, you will be able to monitor the growth of the selected folders. All the additions/removals made to the "Base Chosen" folder will be reported in the "New Items" and "Missing Items" tabbed scrolling list. You will be able to move items directly by dragging them from the "New Items" list to the "Base Chosen" list and vice versa. Also, all the items you choose in these lists may be moved to the Trash can or to any other Finder window. In addition, to move selected files to the Trash you may use the "Move to Trash" menu/button.
If you want to add all the files from the "New Items" scrolling list to the "Base Chosen" scrolling list without dragging, you may use the "Update Base" button/menu.
The "Missing Items" tab, keeps track of the moved/removed files from the chosen folder.
When a folder contains several sub-folders and files it can be difficult to ascertain when changes have been made to the individual files located within it. By using Folders Checker you will be able to quickly learn which files have been added or removed. It is recommended that you initially run Folders Checker to created a "snapshot" of the current contents of your folders. Then, run the program on a regular basis to better manage the contents of your hard drive.
Keep in mind...
4. Registration info
Folders Checker is distributed as SHAREWARE:
if you use Folders Checker you should pay the author.
You may register using Credit Card by our secure page at
or sending US $15 CASH or postal order(or an equivalent sum of your local currency can use EURO too!! ) to the author at the address above. A shareware registration form is available inside Folders Checker.
Please, please, no checks: to cash them I must pay the bank more than $10!!!!!
If you want to pay, in any case, by using checks, the requested price increases by $10.
To register using Credit Card, please follow these steps:
1) open Folders Checker
2) choose "Register Online" from "Apple Menu"
3) fill all fields that are there.
or go at:
and fill all the fields that are there.
To register using cash, please follow these steps:
1) open Folders Checker
2) choose "Registration Form..." button from "About" window
3) fill all fields that are there, save and print the file
4) send it and a shareware fee by mail at:
Giuseppe Giunto
Via Flecchia, 101
10010 Piverone - To
To register using postal order, please follow these steps:
1) open Folders Checker
2) choose "Registration Form..." button from "About" window
3) fill all fields that are there, save and print the file
4) send it by e-mail at:
5) send postal order at:
Giuseppe Giunto
Via Flecchia, 101
10010 Piverone - To
Special licences:
Site licence: US $ 150
Country licence: US $ 400 (a licence to use the software in any office in one country).
World licence: US $ 800 (a licence to use the software in any office around the world).
To register a special license, please send an e-mail at:
Notice: soon after registering, you will receive the serial number via e-mail.
5. Known bugs
6. Requirements
Folders Checker is fully compatible from System 7.5 to MacOS 8.x.
7. More to come!
If I see interest for my Folders Checker (see below... :-) ) new features will be added in the next release.
Folders Checker also can be included, without my previous permission, without changes and with this "Read Me", in all CD-ROM or disk shareware collections and in all CD-ROM or Disk magazines (anyway an e-mail or a notice will be welcome, as well as a copy of the magazine or media :-) ).
Folders Checker may not be included in a commercial package without my permission.
The unregistered version of Folders Checker is fully operational, but will always show its "About" box when you open and quit it. The restrictions for an unregistered copy are that a maximum limit of 10 items may be moved to trash, and after 30 days it is not possible to see the folders chosen until you register.
When you register Folders Checker the irritating "About" box doesn't appear and the "unregistered" notice will be replaced by the registration information.
Author's note:
My software development group is made up by: me
On the other hand, my beta-tester group is made up by: me and Bix
This means that if you find a bug, both developer and beta-tester groups would greatly appreciate your reporting it!
I wait for your suggestions to improve this program.
And don't forget to register your copy of Folders Checker. Remember that a shareware author should be supported. If you don’t pay for shareware software today, you will pay much more tomorrow for exactly the same features (but enclosed in a 'nice' commercial box).
9. Disclaimer of Warranty
This software is provided "as is" and without warranty of any kind, implied or expressed. When using it you assume all responsibility for any damages caused, directly or indirectly, by its use. Also registering this software doesn’t give you the right to require extra services (bug fixing, special assistance, the latest version on disk, and so on): you should pay only because you think the program you’re using now is worth the money.
10. Acknowledgement
Thanks to:
Rocco Moliterno
Patrick Sheenan
Giovanni Rava
Claudo Cena.
all of the people who registered.
11. Version history
1.1.0 The invisible files are dislpayed in the list: now you handle the invisible files. The Base
Items, New Items and Missing Items lists shown the custom icons.
1.0.1 Fixed bug that caused the error 1 (bus error) using "Update Base" button on some
Systems, thanks Rainer Wilhelm for reported the bug. Fixed minor bugs.